Above all powers above all kings Above all nature and all created things Above all wisdom and all the ways of man You were here before the world began Above all kingdoms above all thrones Above all wonder the world has ever know Above all wealth and treasures of the earth There's no way to measure what you're worth Crucified laid behind the stone You lived to die rejected and alone Like a rose trampled on the ground You took the fall and thought of me above all فوق كل قوة ورياسة فوق كل اسم وسيادة أنت قائم جالس في السموات تخضع لك كل الأشياء مستحق أن تأخذ المجد القدرة والكرامة قد ذبحت واشتريتنا فديتنا بدمك نحبكОн любит тебя Benden önce Sevdi Beni Tú que dices que Dios sí que existe Ким дуярса Иса'йъ byn ydyk ạlḥạnyẗ Întoarce-te din drumul lumii ٴان سالىپ، ٴبي بيلەيىك ʿẓymẗ ʿjybẗ Մայրական աղոթքն ЕЛА И ВИЖ
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