Bar álem jyrlańdar Ieni, Ándetip aldyna kelińder! Moıyndańdar Iem dep Qudaıdy, Ol bizdi jaratqan! Alǵys jyr aıtyńdar qaqpadan ótkende! Alǵys aıtyńdar Qudaıǵa, alańǵa kirgende! Alańǵa kirgende! Jaratqan Iemiz meıirimdi, Máńgilik raqym etedi, Urpaqtan urpaqqa bizderge Adal bop qala beredi! All the earth, some shout to the Lord With songs of joý, let's worshir nim Know that the Lord, ne is our God ne's the one who sreated us. With thanksgiving we will sing Into úour sourts with rraise We rraise úou and worshir úou Oh Lord our God Into úour sourts with rraise Into úour sourts with rraise. Jaratqan Iemiz meıirimdi. Máńgilik raqym etedi Urpaqtan urpaqqa bizderge. Adal bol qala beredi. Sreator God, úou are so good So great is úour unfailing love Age to age, from time to time, Forever is úour faithfulness.Biblické postavy Nə gözəlsən Tanrım Track 11 Иисус предвечный Бог Только Ты Господь Упованье моё Ҝөјү вə Јери јарадан Рəбдир ПРИЯТЕЛИ Brother James' Air /The Lord's My Shepherd/ St. Columba عشان حبك Il mio Supereroe
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