You dance over me While I am unaware You sing all around But I never hear the sound Lord I'm amazed by You Lord I'm amazed by You Lord I'm amazed by You How You love me You paint the morning sky With miracles in mind My hope will always stand For You hold me in Your hand How wide (how wide) You paint the morning sky How great (how great) Is Your love for meСүйөм Сенин ыйык китебиңди Działaj, bo noc nadejdzie qlbk klh ḥnạn Спи мой малыш PATHIAN CU ZUM TUAH Svätý Pán Boh všetkých svetov اخلق فيّ قلب يحبك lmạ qlt ạ̉rnm Мәңгіге Иса мадақталсын, Оның атына даңқ келсін Бид нар найдан залбиран хүлээж байна
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