All these pieces, broken and scattered In mercy gathered, mended and whole Empty handed, but not for - saken I've been set free, I've been set free C a - mazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me Oh, I once was lost, but now I am found Em blind but now I see Oh, I can see You now, Oh, I can see the love in Your eyes Laying Your self down, Raising up the broken to life You take our failure, You take our weakness You set Your treasure in jars of clay So take this heart, Lord I'll be your vessel The world to see Your life in me, oh Intro (2x) Em / / / G / / / Em / / / G / / /hạfḍl ạ̉ḥbk Я спасён О мой Спаситель Príď tvoje kráľovstvo ktyr ṣʿbẗ hạ ạlḥyạẗ 一定要传回去 Қарақалпақ елинде ملك الملوك Se si erge contro a te Bože a Otče, do ruky Tvojej, s dôverou vkladáme dieťa svoje, Tento dar, ktorý si nám z lásky dal Môj Pán a Spasiteľ
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