Arise and go, Let's tell the whole wide world: Jesus is Lord, He is our Saviour Arise and go, Let's tell the whole wide world: Jesus is Lord, He is our Saviour He has chosen us for the harvest in these days of revival to be messengers of freedom and salvation He has anointed us with His Holy Spirit to proclaim His kingdom to the earth // We will go and make disciples There is no one who could stop us For God is with us, God is with us His power is with us //çoşmak istiyorum АЛЕЛУЯ ИСУС Е ЖИВ هل لقاء نجتنيه 我别无所求 mn kẖwfk ʿly Akwai Gidan Zamana Cikin Birnin Allah Alma basta de gemir L'Eternel Dieu est au milieu de toi Прихожу к Тебе я с хвалою عصا وعكازك
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