1) Arise, o compatriots! Nigeria's call obey To serve our fatherland With love and strength and faith! The labour of our heroes past Shall never be in vain To serve with heart and might One nation bound in freedom, peace, and unity. 2) O, God of creation, direct our noble cause! Guide our leaders aright. Help our youth the truth to know, In love and honesty to grow, And, living just and true, Great lofty heights attain To build a nation where peace and justice shall reign.Father I love you جۉرۅگۉمدۅ داڭقتال، تەڭىر Wiltshire Esprit de Dieu, tout au fond de mon cœur Acıma sevinç katar İsa WORK FOR THE NIGHT IS COMING Танръ'я садък ол РАБ'бе умут балаянларса тазе гюдже кавушур Ó trojjediný Bože هل جلست في هدوء
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