As David did in Jehovah's sight, I will dance will all my might Before the King of Kings As Miriam did with the tambourine, I will clap my hands and sing before the King of Kings. As Judah did on the battle ground, we will make a joyful sound before the King of Kings. As Joshua did at Jericho, we will shout to defeat the foe before the King of Kings We can come before Him, and worship Him today! We can now adore Him, Yeshua, You made the way!Oby, Jezu, znów w tym świecie Ты - ИИСУС Ҝөјдəн јерə енəн тəкҹə Мəсиһдир Спасибо за крылья Сээң ханың мени арыглап чор ВЪВ ТЪМНИНАТА НА НОЩТА Nella casa del Signore shén de xuǎn mín Мне нужен Ты Tuhanku Bangkit, Pusara Terbuka
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