Ascribe to the Lord, honor, And glory due His Name Worship in His holiness, Worthy is His pow'r and fame. The Lord of glory thunders O'er great and mighty seas; His voice is so majestic, It breaks cedar to pieces. His voice like a mighty flash, Shakes the desert of Kadesh, It makes bare the thick forest No other voice is its match. The Lord sits upon His throne, That's set upon the flood. He gives strength to His people, Who put their trust in His word. Ascribe to the Lord, honor, And glory due His Name, Worship Him in holiness Worthy is His might and fame.قۇدايدىڭ تىنىشتىعىندا Jonás no le hizo caso Бажаємо вам Multumesc Isus m-ai mantuit مش هاحكيلك Через горы глубже всех морей Hosanna بشوق وحنين Duchu Svätý, Teba dnes V túžobnom očakávaní
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