Awake O Israel put off Thy slumber And the truth shall set you free For out of Zion comes thy Deliv'rer In the year of Jubilee For in the furnace of much affliction I have chosen Thee behold And so for Iron I'll give Thee silver And for brass I'll give Thee gold Thou art my chosen for I have sought Thee Thou art graven on my hand And I will gather all those that gather They shall come back to their land O Hallelujah (2x) Hallelujah, Praise the Lord O Hallelujah (2x) Hallelujah, Praise the LordSeigneur, en silence Jen Tvou cestou dál Любви не бывает без встречи Everything Не хочу бояться я Эзэнийг хараарай İsa Mesih Rab A chi ti rivolgi? You Hold it All Если в жизни случиться вдруг
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