We've come to join the song Sung long before our lives To raise our voice along Heaven and Earth alike We've seen Your faithful hand Your mercy without end A king who bled and died A God who sacrificed Be enthroned upon the praises of a thousand generations You are worthy Lord of all Unto You the slain and risen King we lift our voice with Heaven Singing worthy Lord of all All through this life we lead And on to eternity Our endless praise will cry Jesus be glorified Jesus be glorified Highest praises Lord of all Highest praises Lord of all Highest praises You are worthy Lord of allДень как день ночь как ночь ạ̉nạ mḥtạj ḥḍnk yạrby Танръ'нън Исми Йюксек Куле يارب ما أحلى Siapa Yang Kaucari? Люди Слушайте люди наша земля устала Gloria al nome del Signor Самойингни очгин эй Худо myn gẖyrk تعليق 1 - أعظم إله
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