Padre del cielo te adoramos Alzamos hoy tu nombre en alto Que tu reino se establezca en la alabanza De tu pueblo que declara tu poder Bendito sea el Señor Dios poderoso Quien fue, quien es y quien vendrá Bendito sea el Señor Dios poderoso Por siempre reinará Father in heaven, how we love You We lift Your name in all the earth May Your kingdom be established in our praises As Your people declare Your mighty works Blessed be the Lord God Almighty Who was, and is and is to come Blessed be the Lord God Almighty Who reigns fore-ver-more. (To End) Who reigns fore-ver-more.THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD Аллелуя Мир ждет чуда из чудес Господь упование мое Sempre di più Tegak Terus Megah Sfâşiat de chinuri grele Lord, here I am 우리 보좌 앞에 모였네 Ó, jöjjetek, örvendjünk
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