Blessing and honor, glory and power, Be unto the Ancient of Days. From every nation, all of creation, Bow before the Ancient of Days. Every tongue in heaven and earth shall declare Your glory. Every knee shall bow at Your throne in worship. You will be exalted, oh God, and Your kingdom shall not pass away, O Ancient of Days. Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth; Sing unto the Ancient of Days. For none can compare to Your matchless worth, Sing unto the Ancient of Days.Гелийорум бен, хепиниз ичин, яврум Покажи мені Есүс Есүс тослоглсон lys mn ṣʿb ạ̉w ḍyq Когда в море бушует волна ʿṭsẖạn مريم أناديك أماه Niwy już dojrzały i czekają nas Сән аләмни қутқуздиң Anni duemila
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