They rush on the city; they run on the wall. Great is the army that carries out His Word They rush on the city; they run on the wall Great is the army that carries out His Word The Lord utters His voice before His army. The Lord utters His voice before His army. Blow the trumpet in Zion, Zion. Sound the alarm on my holy mountain. Blow the trumpet in Zion, Zion. Sound the alarm.kẖlyk frḥạn Még nem is éltem én Бороог бэлтгэнэ Бог по претайни начини ạllh fy wsṭhạ Čuj, kto meno Krista nosíš! Тонг отганда уйғониб Жақсы істі ойлап Галдырырам əллəрими сəнə Аав аа Аав минь ээ
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