1 Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do, Do not wait to shed your light afar, To the many duties ever near you now be true, Brighten the corner where you are. Brighten the corner where you are! Brighten the corner where you are! Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar; Brighten the corner where you are! 2 Just above are clouded skies that you may help to clear, Let not narrow self your way debar; Though into one heart alone may fall your song of cheer, Brighten the corner where you are. 3 Here for all your talent you may surely find a need, Here reflect the bright and Morning Star; Even from your humble hand the Bread of Life may feed, Brighten the corner where you are. 4 Right beside you are believers who have gone astray; For lost sheep, you need not seek afar. In Christ's love, exhort, restore, and comfort them today; Brighten the corner where you are. 5 Stay in fellowship with Jesus and behold His face If His glorious radiance you'd impart. Love and serve the Lord sincerely; this will touch men's hearts; Brighten the corner where you are. 6 Christ is coming as the Master to reward His slaves; He appears on high, the Morning Star; Sinners rescue, saints recover while it's still today, Brighten the corner where you are. 1 Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do, Do not wait to shed your light afar, To the many duties ever near you now be true, Brighten the corner where you are. Brighten the corner where you are! Brighten the corner where you are! Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar; Brighten the corner where you are! 2 Just above are clouded skies that you may help to clear, Let not narrow self your way debar; Though into one heart alone may fall your song of cheer, Brighten the corner where you are. 3 Here for all your talent you may surely find a need, Here reflect the bright and Morning Star; Even from your humble hand the Bread of Life may feed, Brighten the corner where you are. 4 Right beside you are believers who have gone astray; For lost sheep, you need not seek afar. In Christ's love, exhort, restore, and comfort them today; Brighten the corner where you are. 5 Stay in fellowship with Jesus and behold His face If His glorious radiance you'd impart. Love and serve the Lord sincerely; this will touch men's hearts; Brighten the corner where you are. 6 Christ is coming as the Master to reward His slaves; He appears on high, the Morning Star; Sinners rescue, saints recover while it's still today, Brighten the corner where you are.Эрээнтэй бараантай хорвоо гэж Sənlə olmaq nə yaxşıdır,Sənə inanmaq və sevmək Струи крови Jesus, the very thought of Thee kllt ạlsnẗ bjwdk Jesus my Lord Grazie Signore Matička Kristova, Kráľovná neba Mireasă iubită priveşte în sus Нечə дəфə, еј Аллаһ, бағышлајым?
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