It is written that man shall not live by bread alone But by every word that comes from the mouth of God And by his word he gave His son for us on Calvary To pay the price of sin for you and for me By His word He raised the sick man from the bed By His word He gave life unto the dead By His word He brings hope to the hopeless soul By His word You can have the victory By His word He will set the captive free By His word He brings life to you and me Just one word was broken in Eden And that's what caused the fall So it will take all of the word To bring us back to God And through this last day message All His word has been made known And through His power we shall overcome By His word He spoke and squirrels did appear By His word Storm go back from where you came By His word Little fishie Jesus gives you back your life By His word He spoke the tumor out of existence By His word He gave two boys salvation By His word He gave life to you and meОтец Небесный воздаятель Man of sorrows, what a name Эзэнтэйгээ хамтдаа నిను స్తుతియించుట - నిను కీర్తించుట Тавоно Худои мо Святый Святый Ким Бəнзəр Она Возможно все Кровь с креста ạ̉nạ mḥtạj lmsh rwḥk
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