Come see the beauty of the Lord, (echo) Come see the beauty of His face. (echo) See the Lamb that once was slain, (echo) See on His palms is carved your name. (echo) See how our pain has pierced His heart, (echo) And on His brow He bears our pride; (echo) A crown of thorns. But only love pours from His heart, (echo) As silently He takes the blame. (echo) He has my name upon His lips, (echo) My condemnation falls on Him. (echo) This love is marvellous to me, (echo) His sacrifice has set me free (echo) And now I live!В собраньи в умиленьи لذتي القصوى Бюйюк куввет вар сенде كيەلى، كيەلى قۇدايىم JESUS OF NAZARETH PASSED BY Для Тебя жизнь моя Відчай Žijeme krátko na svete Мəсиһдə һəјатым вар Есүсийг магтан баярлацгаая
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