All my world, all I've lost, The wrecks I've made here, the lives it cost. Your hand restores, Your words make whole. With all my soul, I thank You. I owe You all my... Devotion. All that I have to give. Here's my devotion You're all that it means to live. All my past, my tainted name, You stole its legacy of pride and shame. You're all I love, You're all I fear. I'm drawing near to face You, to know You, to show You You found me in a shallow grave. You dragged me out from beneath it all. You healed me, saved me In the nick of time, Your perfect time. You found me in a shallow grave. You called me out from beneath it all. You touched me, saved me In the nick of time, in Your perfect time. I devote all I have to You. I devote all that You've made new, All You restored that day You bled, All that You brought back from the dead. Oh! My Lord, my devotion.mạsk ạ̹ydy W tajemny sposób w świecie tym Probuď nás Feeling mighty fine Аз ҳама беҳтар Sí que yo te seguiré Ман аз они Ту Mende täze ýürek ýarat Hazme avanzar ạ̉nạ msẖ ʿạyz
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