God you know everything I do From far away you understand my thoughts You see whether I am working or resting You know all my actions Where could I go to escape from you Where could I get away from your presence The darkness is light for you I couldn't hide myself from you, Yeahh You know one day a man came to me Beginning to boast of his all strength "Where is your God? I'll destroy you" But he didn't know God really was with me "Don't think the Lord will save you o people" He didn't know the Lord was planning something against him So I took the letter from the messenger I placed the letter there in the presence of God I asked "Please God help us! So that the nations will know who you are" Yes, I am a winner Down the giants are down Yes, he made me a winner Yes, the enemies are down The enemy is down, he can't take me down Hey hey, I see him weakened on the ground...Поможи мені Боже Йюдже Севги Танръсъна Нешейле Тапъйоруз Տարիներ,Որ Անցնում եք Хвалу Тебе Бог Всевышний ṭhrny mn ạlkẖṭạyạ Te ressembler Za ojczyzną zatęskniła Ty si ten dôvod yạ rb lyk kl ạlsjwd يا رافعي
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