// Drawing near to you God We bow humbly before you We repent of all our sins As we seek your face // Would you hear us Lord, and forgive each one of us Would you hear us Lord and bring healing to our land Let your peace fill this place Let your love be poured out Let your mercy flow freely in our land May your gospel be heard May each heart turn to you May your name be exalted in our land // Do this for your sake our Lord As we cry out in your name Not on account of us oh God but because of your great love //Я у Бога взял взаймы Радуйся, мир! Муқаддас маконида Тангрини мадҳ қилинг Тăндоди хуáр Milosť prenádherná దేవుని వారసులం Po nemnohých dňoch časnej púti Тебе навстречу Их Эзэн агуу хүчит Duchu Święty przyjdź
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