Faithful One, so unchanging Ageless One, You're my Rock of peace. Lord of all I depend on You I call out to You Again and again. I call out to You Again and again. You are my Rock in times of trouble You lift me up when I fall down. All through the storm Your love is the anchor My hope is in You alone.Слушайте слово благого Отца من أنا يا رب حتى تحملن عني الصليب Хер Адън Юстюнде هللويا الرب صالح سيدي المسيح من أنت - تأمل Gran maravilla es que Jesús Nech Pánovi chválospev znie ఆనంద సంద్రంబున నా Na drogach mych Er ist Herr
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