Here we are Gathered together as a family Bound as one Lifting up our voices To the King of kings We cry Abba, Father, worthy is Your name Abba, Father, worthy is Your name Here we are Singing together as a family Bound as one Lifting up our voices To the King of kings We sing Abba, Father, holy is Your name Abba, Father, holy is Your nameМадақтаймын Сені Güle Güle Jezu, najpiękniejsze imię Twe రండి యోహావాను గూర్చి ఉత్సాహగానము Ojalá fuesen ordenados مش هاحني راسي Adoramus te, Christe Stojím tu a chválím Слушай призыв Иисуса ملك المجد
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