Chorus: God, He is faithful Faithful to us Through troubled waters He won't abandon Fear not! The Lord God is with us Verse 1: Be strong, take heart The Lord He fights for us Hold on; our God Is a mighty warrior Verse 2: Be still and rest He holds the universe Lift high your hands To the Rock unshakable Bridge: The truth is a sword The battle is the Lord's Surely He will deliver So call on His name He is mighty to save Surely He will deliver [x2Мой Бог Великий Бог بحياتي زي ما هي Господу вверяюсь - жизнь моя в руке Его Just thinking what He´s done for me byt ạlạ̹ymạn Etre ou ne pas être За Тобой пойду O, pân' la Tine Doamne I'm Counting on God افتح قلبي القاسي
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