Father God I need to know the truth of who I am in you Father God, I need to see myself In the same way that you see me Just as you see me There's no need to pull away, even when I fail For you will never turn your face from me It's for freedom that you have set me free Father God, you've forgiven all my sins There's no need to repay you Father God, help me walk in what you've done Your love, your grace, and your mercy Your great mercyChrist nous précédant No eye has seen Жеңиш берген Ыйсага мактоо айтып табынамын เปี่ยมรัก kẖrwjh yqyn kạlfjr Ей Ъшък олан гьонле долан Duchu lásky príď Quanto è magnifico بص للسما lljạls ʿly̱ ạlʿrsẖ w llḥml
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