Where the Spirit of the Lord is, There is freedom. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, There is freedom. Lift your eyes to heaven; There is freedom. Lift your eyes to heaven; There is freedom. Freedom reigns in this place; Showers of mercy and grace Falling on every face. There is freedom. Jesus reigns in this place; Showers of mercy and grace Falling on every face. There is freedom. If you're tired or thirsty, There is freedom. If you're tired or thirsty, There is freedom. Give your all to Jesus; There is freedom. Give your all to Jesus; There is freedom.Когда огонь духовный не горит Ғолғота, Ғолғота, Ғолғота Не поддавайся суете ينبغي انك تزيد Сəнинəм Мəн نق قلبي kl qlby lk Den v službě mého Pána Wiesz ty, ile gwiazdek świeci قدوس الله قدوس القوي (أجيوس أوثيئوس)
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