The spirit of the sovereign Lord Is on me now To love, to speak, to heal, to preach The spirit of the sovereign Lord Is on me now Giving Life You turn ashes to beauty Mourning to dancing Anguish to songs of praise Pour your spirit over me Let your love rain down Would you take these hands of mine And use me Pour your spirit over me Let your love rain down Would you take these feet of mine And lead me The spirit of the sovereign Lord Is on me now To go, to free, to give, to feed The spirit of the sovereign Lord Is on me now Spreading loveIleż to zbiega owiec Исус е Сам Светлината lmạ ạlrb Исо Раб келади Sen varsın, sen Tanrım In ogni istante Ty jesteś skałą zbawienia mego قلبًا نقيًّا В небеса Твои взирая НИЙ ИДВАМЕ ПРЕД ТЕБЕ
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