Comes any good from Nazareth? The scornful challenge as of old Is flung on many'a jeering breath From cloistered cells and marts of gold. Comes any good from Nazareth? Behold, the mighty Nazarene, The Lord of life, the Lord of death, Through warring ages walks serene. One touch upon His garment's fringe Still heals the hurt of bitter years. Before Him yet the demons cringe, He gives the wine of joy for tears. O city of the Carpenter, Upon the hill slope old and gray, The world among its pain and stir Turns yearning eyes on thee today. For He who dwelt in Nazareth, And wrought with toil of hand and brain, Alone gives victory to faith Until the day He come again.Надежда этой земли ạ̉ḥbbtny rby Дюнянън Куртаръджъсъ Доду Бугюн Endrey ny voninahitrao SJUNG TILL JESUS Vreau langa Dumnezeu kẖlny qrb ạlṣlyb Věřím vzácným zaslíbením Terre, chante de joie 是主爱让我们
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