I need You To soften my heart and break me apart I need You To open my eyes, to see that You're shaping my life All I am, I surrender Give me faith to trust what You say, That You're good and Your love is great I'm broken inside, I give You my life I need You To soften my heart and break me apart I need You To pierce through the dark and cleanse every part of me And I may be weak but Your Spirit's strong in me My flesh may fail, but my God, You never willmsẖ mmkn ạ̉sẖk fyk Náš Pán On je kráľov Kráľ Jak úžasný Bůh Chrystus Pan zwyciężył Мы снова вместе Ben Kimim Ki Mon Dieu, par quel amour bié xiàng yàn zi zhuī zhú nuǎn hé Pane, tvoje dielo chcem Yesu, Ɗan Allah, Mai Ceto Ne, Shi Za Ya Tsare Ka
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