Greatly Blessed and Highly Favoured* Imperfect but forgiven child of God Greatly Blessed and Highly Favoured Imperfect but forgiven child of God [Repeat Standing upright on God's good earth Count my blessings, great things He has done Fighting the good fight with the blessed assurance That the battle is already won Greatly Blessed and Highly Favoured Imperfect but forgiven child of God Greatly Blessed and Highly Favoured Imperfect but forgiven child of God Greatly Blessed and Highly Favoured Imperfect but forgiven child of God Greatly Blessed and Highly Favoured Imperfect but forgiven child of God Child of God, I'm a child of Godạ̹nt ḥmạyạ Вижу я вершины гор Երբ Տիրոջը Մոտ Ենք Մենք Riešim Esti necuprins de timp și spațiu Лёленька O, Ota, Seni sevaman! So wie ich bin لولا الصليب للرب مرنمين
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