Peace be with you ministering angels messengers of the Most High. Messengers of the King of Kings the Holy One, Blessed be He. Come in peace messengers of peace messengers of the Most High. Messengers of the King of Kings the Holy One, Blessed be He. Bless me with peace messengers of peace messengers of the Most High. Messengers of the King of Kings the Holy One, Blessed be He. Go in peace messengers of peace messengers of the Most High. Messengers of the King of Kings the Holy One, Blessed be He.Гори во мне Vody živé Pane môj, Ty dažďom zvlažuješ ʿlsẖạn bḥbk Ночь восторгов и чудес أحبك يا رب يا قوتي كفاية يا نفسي دموع Sur la terre entière Haleluja in my hart لما أكون تعبان
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