Just suppose God searched through Heaven He couldn't find one willing to be The Supreme Sacrifice that was needed That could buy Eternal Life for you and me Had it not been for a place called mount Calvary Had it not been for the old rugged cross Had it not been for a man called Jesus Then forever my soul would be lost And I am glad He was willing to drink that bitter cup Even though He prayed "Father let it pass from me" And I'm so glad He never called Heavens Angels "From my hands - pull the nails that torment me"Мой Покров Isa bizdiń berik panamyz Яшъйор Беним Куртаръджъм PRECIOUS MEMORIES مع ربي يسوع Tutto ciò che mi consola mstr ʿnh ạlwjwh yswʿ ạ̹nt ḥbyby เชิญมาเยินยอพระนาม fy wqt ḍʿfy
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