Happy the man who feareth God, Whose feet His holy ways have trod; Thine own good hand shall nourish thee, And well and happy shalt thou be. Thy wife shall, like a fruitful vine, Fill all thy house with clusters fine; Thy children all be fresh and sound, Like olive\plants thy table round. Lo! to the man these blessings cleave Who in God's holy fear doth live; From him the ancient curse hath fled By Adam's race inherited. Out of Mount Zion God shall send, And crown with joy thy latter end; That thou Jerusalem mayst see, In favor and prosperity. He shall be with thee in thy ways, And give thee health and length of days Yea, thou shalt children's children see, And peace on Israel shall be.Наша жизнь как легкий пар قۇداي اكەم مەنى ەستيدى Masixsiz men xech kimman Per amarlo Возлюбленный мой fwq tl bʿyd Chcem tebe, Pane, obeť chvály myn myn myn ṣdq hdẖạ ạlkẖbr Как прожить на свете без любви ạ̉ṭlqny ḥraⁿạ
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