Ever since Eden death has been waiting Every life is measured out in years I've known its' sorrow i've felt its' shadow And I have fought my fears I know it comes for each of us Yet I have hope in knowing that when it does In the garden Jesus faced it and He chose His Father's will The next day He embraced it with open arms on Calvary's Hill And death thought it had won until God's only Son Left the grave alive again In the garden He faced it on Calvary He embraced it And I praise God, three days later He erased it Verse 2: I have a Savior, what reassurance Knowing that He did what I could not He fought the battle, now I don't have to His grace is all I've got I'm not a victim anymore For death is not an ending, its just a door In the garden Jesus faced it and He chose His Father's will The next day He embraced it with open arms on Calvary's Hill And death thought it had won until God's only Son Left the grave alive again In the garden He faced it on Calvary He embraced it And I praise God, three days later He erased it Death's hold has ended, its' strength is gone Though I'll go through it, I'll live on In the garden Jesus faced it and He chose His Father's will The next day He embraced it with open arms on Calvary's Hill And death thought it had won until God's only Son Left the grave alive again In the garden He faced it on Calvary He embraced it And I praise God, three days later He erased it (2x)Благодаря Görkemle Gelecek Раб'бин Даъна Ким Чъкабилир O Jésus, tu nous appelles Нарисую небо голубое Һәмдусаңа Chci, Pane, chválit Tě Добровольцы мы Przybieżeli do Betlejem Аьхир адар Яв ккунивалин
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