He is exalted, the King is exalted on high, I will praise Him, He is exalted, forever exalted And I will praise His name! He is the Lord, forever His truth shall reign. Heaven and earth, rejoice in His holy name. He is exalted, the King is exalted on high!JESUH ZUMH CU A NUAM Haleluýa Хвала Даятелю всех благ 往事悠悠 МОЯ СПАСИТЕЛ ПРИЯТЕЛ И ЦАР ruò wǒ de zi mín zhēn qiān bēi zì jǐ Lode al Padre رأيتك يومًا Я прихожу к Тебе в грехах Спаситель Прийдите все ко мне
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