He is the Lord, and He reigns on high, He is the Lord. Spoke into the darkness, created the light, He is the Lord. Who is like unto Him, never ending in days? He is the Lord. And He comes in power when we call on His name, He is the Lord. Show Your power, O Lord, our God, Show Your power, O Lord, our God, Our God! Your gospel, O Lord, is the hope for our nation, You are the Lord. It's the power of God for our salvation, You are the Lord. We ask not for riches, but look to the cross, You are the Lord. And for our inheritance give us the lost, You are the Lord. Send Your power, O Lord, our God, Send Your power, O Lord, our God, Our God!wǒ yào gē sòng wǒ yào zàn měi الله ملجأ لنا Pán Boh je láska ạ̉dkẖl lqdsk ZAN AH TUUKHAL AN TUU AN ZOH В тот град что Бог построил святые вновь идут Yesu Makiyayi 用我们满腔的爱 في مشهد Po części dziś oglądam blask
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