Shackled by a heavy burden 'Neath a load of guilt and shame, Then the hand of Jesus touched me, And now I am no longer the same. He touched me, Oh, He touched me, And oh, the joy That floods my soul! Something happened, And now I know, He touched me, And made me whole. Since I met this blessed Saviour, Since He cleansed And made me whole, I shall never cease to praise Him, I'll shout it while eternity rolls.A noite termina e o día xa ven Не существую просто без Него ạ̉nt wḥdk mstḥq Kutsal Kıl Beni Kutsal Ruh За Тобой иду Спаситель كان يوم و لا كل يوم Забудь вчерашнюю обиду أجمل من الورد Ах бир билсе бир анласа Perché è degno
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