Shackled by a heavy burden 'Neath a load of guilt and shame, Then the hand of Jesus touched me, And now I am no longer the same. He touched me, Oh, He touched me, And oh, the joy That floods my soul! Something happened, And now I know, He touched me, And made me whole. Since I met this blessed Saviour, Since He cleansed And made me whole, I shall never cease to praise Him, I'll shout it while eternity rolls.Осень Любит Бог нас wǒ men dōu shì tiān guó de rén Построенный Христом yé hé huá zài wǒ miàn qián slạmk fạq ạlʿqwl-slạm المسيح قرب يجينا lái ba ràng wǒ men xiàng shén yǎng liǎn Гелелим, Дийелим Lal Lenna Jerusalem Thak
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