There is no problem so big, God cannot solve it There is no mountain so tall, He cannot move it There is no storm so dark, God cannot calm it There is no sorrow so deep, God cannot soothe it If He carried the weight of the world Upon His shoulders I know my brother, that He will carry you If He carried the weight of the world Upon His shoulders I know, my sister, that He will carry you我们快回家 قۇدايسىز ۅمۉر ۔ باقتىسىز ۅمۉر Их Эзэний оршихуйн өмнө اڭسايمىن سەنى، يەم كەلە گور За что? من يوم ما قبلت حبيبي يسوع ạlrb ḥnạn Ты явил Свою любовь Le plus grand jour de l'histoire Вечные радости там в небесах
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