From wherever spring arrives to heal the ground, From wherever searching comes, the look itself, A trace of what we're looking for, So be quiet now and wait. The ocean is growing. The tide is coming in. Here it is. Here is our King. Here is our Love. Here is our God who's come To bring us back to Him. He is the One. He is Jesus. And what was said to the rose to make it unfold Was said to me here in my chest, So be quiet now and rest. Majesty finally. Majesty finally here. Majesty finally here.Ўтар ўмрим менинг , кетар ўмрим менинг 耶和华啊 zhǔ dāng wǒ xīn wán quán guī nǐ Qudaıdy madaqtańdar bar elder جراح حبيبى غالية علي Du lieu très saint le Christ Пусть никто о Боге нам не скажет Milujeme, ač nevidíme Аллилуйя Ты победу одержал ạlrb ạ̹lhnạ fdạnạ
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