Verse: 1 Let the heroes rest Let the striving cease I lay down my crown Here at your feet Pre Chorus: I will, trust, here in the mystery I will, trust, in You completely Chorus: Awake my soul to sing With Your breath in me I will worship You taught my feet to dance upon disappointment And I, I will worship Verse: 2 Let the weary rise Lift their eyes to see Your love crushing every lie Every doubt and fear Pre Chorus: I will, trust, here in the mystery I will, trust, in You completely Bridge: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, You are making all things new Hallelujah, Hallelujah, You are making all things new Hallelujah, Hallelujah, You are making all things new Hallelujah, Hallelujah, You are making all things newГосподь Душа внимать готова yǒu yī gè rén shēng lái shì xiā yǎn sạ̉ẓl ạlʿmr mdywn lk Стройтесь дружными рядами Répands sur nous مهما هنعمل أنت قدوس .. أنت عظيم Hamıdan ucasan Та намайг Душа и тело
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