Who gives orders to the morning Tells the sun where to rise Who speaks life into existence Tells the dark where to reside Who chose to love the unloving Told the crippled to rise up Chose to die for my redemption Came to mend the broken heart There is no one like our God, none like You You're higher, higher, higher than the heavens And Your love, Your love deeper than the oceans And Your word, Your word is true until the end So I'm holding onto You, the Author of life Who gives orders to the morning Tells the sun where to rise Who speaks life into existence Tells the dark where to reside Who chose to love the unloving Told the crippled to rise up Chose to die for my redemption Came to mend the broken heart There is no one like our God, none like You You're higher, higher, higher than the heavens And Your love, Your love deeper than the oceans And Your word, Your word is true until the end So I'm holding onto You, the Author of life Jesus it's You name above all names Worthy of all praise, the One that I know I'll never be able to fanthom Your ways And though I can't see You, my heart knows You well Jesus You're higher, higher, higher than the heavens And Your love, Your love deeper than the oceans And Your word, Your word is true until the end So I'm holding onto You, the Author of lifeUnde să plec de lângă Tine Silný kráľ raz vydal príkaz Non ti confonderai 这是一个赎罪的日子 ఈ తరం యువతరం Głębiej, o, głębiej ukorzyć się chcę Któż jest tak potężny Yahvè io so che sei qui Ti abbraccerò Jasaj, jasaj, Kristus vo vás
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