Why should I feel discouraged Why should the shadows come Why then should my heart be lonely And longing for heaven and home With Jesus as my portion A constant friend is He For His eye is on the sparrow And I know he watches over me His eye is on the sparrow And I know he watches me I sing because I'm happy I sing because I'm free His eye is on the sparrow And I know he watches He watches over me You know Sing because I'm happy I sing because I'm free His eye is on the sparrow And I know he watches He watches over me I sing (yes He watches me) He watches me (yes He watches me) When I'm up (yes He watches me) When I'm down (yes He watches me) When I'm lonely (yes He watches me) Yes He's near (yes He watches me) Yes He's near (yes He watches me) Yes He's near (yes He watches me) He has promised "I'm with you" What He said then He will do Amazing love this is true He loves me and loves you too I say yeah (yeah) Yeah (yeah)... Yes He watches me Yes He watches meKelgeısiń, kelgeısiń 清早圣灵感动我 EN KUDRETLI TANRI yạ qdws JESUH KHUARUAHHAR VEL Pełnoscią Pan انا الرجاء الفترة الثامنة - Onething 2010 N-ai asemanare nici in cer nici pe pamant Бог мой Иисус Тебе молюсь
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