Holy holy holy holy Holy holy Lord God Almighty And we lift our hearts before You As a token of our love Holy holy holy holy Gracious Father gracious Father We're so blessed to be Your children Gracious Father And we lift our heads before You As a token of our love Gracious Father gracious Father Precious Jesus precious Jesus We're so glad that You've redeemed us Precious Jesus And we lift our hands before You As a token of our love Precious Jesus precious Jesus Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Come and fill our hearts anew Holy Spirit And we lift our voice before You As a token of our love Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Hallelujah hallelujah Hallelujah hallelujah And we lift our hearts before You As a token of our love Hallelujah hallelujahArriverà Не потеряй في نعمة الآب الغني Sono un figlio di Re 我的心哪你要称颂耶和华 lw sạkn jwạk ạlḥb mstḥq hw ạlḥml Günahlıyım, günahlıyım, Allahım Tanrı'ya Kulluk Edin В теле душа как бумага в конверте
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