Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna Open the gates Here comes the King of Glory Lift up your voice and sing Let us rejoice Our God has come to save us Hosanna hosanna hosanna The broken in spirit (The broken in spirit) The humble will hear it (The humble will hear it) His invitation (His invitation) To join the celebration His army assembles (His army assembles) The enemy trembles (The enemy trembles) Our God is with us (Our God is with us) His Word is victorious Before His splendor (Before His splendor) Kings will surrender (Kings will surrender) Bow down before Him (Bow down before Him) Worship and adore HimКелемин Сага чын жүрөгүмдөн ḥyạty frḥ Ти - моя весна Il trono di Dio yạrb ạ̉nạ rạḥty fyk Dieu règne en juste Roi Kdo chce dál Ry havanay malala! msẖ hạtrạjʿ Спасіння я знайшов
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