I can't imagine how much You love me! Your love runs over The strings of my heart And if I look into my eyes I'll find You crying And dying because of me I'm sure there is no highest mountain Not the deepest valley I know That will separate from You When I cry, oh My Lord You will collect my tears And hide them into Your heart And all I need is Your smile To light this old dark night That was inside of me I please You Lord, don't leave me alone There is full joy in walking along with You I know You know: I love You!Önderim Ol حایران قالیان ḥbyby ḥlw لأنك انت معايا Гейик Суларъ Насъл ЬОзлерсе Ta miséricorde Szent vagy ربى أنا عايز أرنم ليك أشدو للملك وأهلل Дустим эшит Хушхабарни
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