Oh kneel me down again, Here at your feet Show me how much You love humility Oh Spirit be the Star that leads me to The Humble heart of love I see in You You are the God of the broken The friend of the weak You wash the feet of the weary Embraced the ones in need I want to be like You, Jesus To have this heart in me You are the God of the humble You are the Humble KingGesù vive per me İsa'yı İzlerim О Царь небесный Утешитель Die Heer, my Herder, sorg vir my O God, our help in ages past/ St. Anne Эзэний үзэсгэлэнтэй يا عجيب Рəббим мəни дағлара уҹалтды يا سيدى لما أرى نجومك - موسيقي Gunohlarimni nima yuvadi
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