I was heavy burdened down The hand of Satan had me bound I called upon Jesus He had compassion over me When His love came rushing in And he took away my sin I was changed and Satan knew I´d been set free I´ve been touched by those hands that were hanging From a tree on a lonely hill that day He put a song in my heart that keeps singing It was Jesus who made me this way This world can take all the things that I´ve worked for through the years They can take this old house I am living in But there is one thing I know they´ll never take away from me That is Jesus who´s living withinМана бүгүн биз кәлдүқ Когда ты для Господа сердце откроешь Júremin Seniń men jolyńmen yạ ạ̹lhy yạ ḥbyby Beni uzakta gördün 复兴 حررني ربي إبليس فاشل Слава Твоя выше небес Ныне вам родился Христос
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