I am redeemed, bought with a price. Jesus has changed my whole life. If anybody ask you just who I am, tell them I am redeemed. Where there was hate, love now abounds. Where there was strife, peace now reigns. I'm walking with my Saviour, I'm a child of the King, all because I am redeemed.พักพิงในพระเจ้า ạ̹n lm tbn ạnt ạlbyt Баҳри фардо наандешам, имрӯз бо Ӯ роҳ равам Говорят ты за меня молилась Агнец Божий Жауға жау болуға асықпа Вот год пришел к кончине Deň zase pominul 99 Псалом Давида ạlklmẗ mnk msẖ ạ̉whạm
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