I bow my knee in reverence, in awe of Your glory; Humbly I approach You now, with praise and adoration. I lift my hands in worship, giving You all honor; I'll join the heavenly hosts of angels now and sing: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come. The Lion of Judah, the soon and coming King; Jesus, You are crowned with praise.В доме этом Бог La crucea debla Golgota Кто как Ты Бог среди богов Ближе к Богу JESUH TUM THAN TIANG KAN TUAN LAI Савашъръм 耶稣,我们同声说爱你 Carilah Dahulu Kerajaan Allah JESUH CA UMNAK NA NGEI MAW? ậdy snẗ
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