Here I am again dear Lord I'm calling on Your name I've done it many times before But this time's not the same 'Cause I didn't come to ask You To give me something more I only came to say I love You Lord I love You Lord More than tongue can ever tell And I know that You can see into The depths of my heart's well I love You Lord There's no other love like Yours I only came to say I love You Lord Here I am again dear Lord I hope you didn't mind Times that I kept coming back With all the same old lines But this time I came to tell you What my heart can't keep inside I came to say I love You One more timeمافيش غيرك يشبع نفوس Слава на Исуса WHAT IS MAN? سۉيۉنچۉ، ەلىم، بەيت۔لەحەم شاارىندا ʿạyz ạ̉sẖwf ạlnwr Tuolla keinuu pieni pursi C'è di più Albowiem Dziecię Ti mostrerò il mio amore พระองค์ทรงอยู่ในชีวิตฉัน
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