I'm but a stranger here, Heav'n is my home; Earth is a desert drear, Heav'n is my home. Danger and sorrow stand round me on every hand; Heav'n is my fatherland, Heav'n is my home. What though the tempest rage, Heav'n is my home; Short is my pilgrimage, Heav'n is my home; Time's wild and wintry blast soon shall be over past; I shall reach home at last, Heav'n is my home. There at my Savior's side Heav'n is my home; I shall be glorified, Heav'n is my home. There are the good and blest, those I loved most and best; There, too, I soon shall rest, Heav'n is my home. Therefore I murmur not, Heav'n is my home; Whate'er my earthly lot, Heav'n is my home; And I shall surely stand there at my Lord's right hand. Heav'n is my fatherland, Heav'n is my home.Wielki jest Pan لما تكثر الدموع Duh de rugăciune Doamne în mine pune Alza tus ojos y mira С Богом возможно всё sẖw mạ qạlwạ ạlnạs tạ̉ml 1 Veríme všetci v jediného ผู้เป็น Забури Довуд Таронаи 85
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