Was a time as a little boy, When I said 'I follow you'. But the years have caused the flame, To burn much stronger now. And I'm not burning down any of my bridges, But I'm burning up inside. To flee from my religion and love my neighbour more. I'm not ashamed of the gospel, I'm not ashamed of the one I love. I'm not ashamed of the gospel, I'm not ashamed of the one I love. There where times in my bitterness when I felt your pure affection. And you hear my frail petitions to serve you endlessly. But I have loved the tree that they put you on? Or my friend who met me at the cross? Oh I want to sing again for my brother And find my way down this mountain.خليني يا رب نجمة Иисус Ты крылья мои ربي أنت تستطيع Стань на скале Сиона إنت زيد نينا ليموا كللت السنة بجودك لك مجد للأبد ای روح القدس مرا لمس نما Ima
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